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November 06, 2003 - 10:52 p.m.

I suck.

I never update.

I wish I could do lazy updates like with livejournal and just email them in.

I want to update the cd review page.

I have had no time.

work is just... disgustingly sucky lately and so I am not motivated to write. I've been a hermit for most of the past month. went and saw KITH at the beginning of october with waltham and then waltham one other time. Beyond that I've gone to munk's cd release and that's it. everything else has been thwarted by headaches and stress and work making me utterly crankypants kid.

sorry to gripe.I wish things were more exciting and I had something to tell you. those of you who read this that I know, you know where to find me that's not here. I'd link it but since in the past people have left nasty messages in my guestbook I'm hesitant to link them up. Email me/sign the g-book if you really need to track me down.

I'm going to sleep. I am dead tired and there's one more day of work left till the weekend. UGH.

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